The Fund setup is accessible by going Setup-->GL / Budget / Payables and clicking on the submenu Funds.

Funds are like departments.  A way to group like accounts to watch the flow of revenue in and out to see the net.

There are two types of Fund groups: GENERAL and RESTRICTED.

General Funds, fiscal year after fiscal year, will reset at zero, while Restricted Funds will maintain their value and apply the net to a retained equity account. These accounts are created within the software when  you mark a Fund to be restricted and will start with a Q.   Also, throughout the software, Restricted Funds on reporting tools may be found either red or with a leading "*" to the Fund description.

Creating a Fund

  • When in the Fund page, click +Add New Fund.
  • Enter the two character Fund Code (letters and / or numbers).
  • Provide a Description.
  • Turn the Restricted Switch to blue if the Fund is a Restricted Fund.
  • Click the +Add to save.

Note: If you need to Edit a Fund, this is the same location to Edit or modify it.

Linking One or More Accounts to a Fund

Once funds have been defined, you can link income and expense accounts to them.  This is done in the Chart of Accounts page.