Select your Budget Type

To setup your Budget, go Setup--> GL / Payables / Budget and click on the submenu Budget.

 On the Budget Setup page you choose between budgeting by Income-Expense accounts, or by Budget Categories. 

 At the same time you can print reports either by accounts or by categories.  You can change this selection by clicking one of the Budget Type buttons to choose either:


·Enter budget amounts by Account and print reports by Account only.
·Enter budget amounts by Budget Category and print reports by Budget Category only.
·Enter budget amounts by Account and print reports by Budget Category.
·Enter budget amounts by Account and print reports by Subtotaled Category 

Note: If you have entered budget amounts according to one Budget Type and change to the other, data entered in the original categories will NOT be lost; however, you will need to change back to the original type to see it.

Changing the Budget Type here will change the display in the Budget Amounts Editor (see below), as well as the Budget Report.

How to create a Budget Category

To create a Budget Category, click the blue Budget Categories button on the Budget Setup page.

  • Then click the +Add New Budget Category button.
  • Enter a three digit Budget Category Number and Description. 
  • Then Identify the budget Type to be Income or Expense.
  • Then click +Add to save your new category.

This is the same place within the software to edit a description or delete an old Budget Category.

Linking the Budget Categories to Income and Expense Accounts

The linking of the Budget Categories to Income and Expense accounts is done in the Chart of Accounts screen. 

Return to the Setup--> GL/ Budget/ Payables screen and click on the submenu Chart of Accounts. 

Search for your account, click Edit and select the Budget Category.  

Then click Save.

Once your accounts are linked, you can start setting your values up on your Budget values, month by month, on the Budget Setup page.

Entering Values into the Budget Amount Editor

The Budget Amounts Editor displays the budgeted amounts for each of your accounts or categories for each month in the fiscal year in a spreadsheet format.  The months appear in the order of your fiscal year; you can choose the starting month of the fiscal year in your Synagogue Profile Page  (My User Account / Synagogue Profile).

Depending on the setting in the Budget Setup, you will see either GL Income and Expense accounts or Budget Categories.


Using the Budget Amounts Editor

To enter an amount, just highlight the appropriate cell by clicking on it with the mouse, and type the amount.  Note that you can scroll horizontally and vertically with the scroll bars as needed to display the entire budget.

Note that the rightmost column of the grid will display the annual total of the amounts that you have entered for each category or account.


Fill Right Button

Clicking this button will cause the value in the currently selected cell of the budget spreadsheet to be replicated in ALL cells to the right of it in the same row.  So, for example, if you want to put a value of $1000 in all the cells of a particular row, just enter 1000 in the first cell, make sure the cursor is on this cell, and click the Fill Right button.  (click image below)


Clear All Button

The Clear All button replaces the contents of ALL of the cells in the budget that you are editing with zero.  Because of the possibility of losing information, you are asked to confirm the request before it is executed.  If you have previously saved a budget before clicking Clear All, you can get back the saved version by clicking Reload (at least, until you save the cleared budget).


When you are finished filling your Budget grid, click the Save Budget button to save.

You also Export your work to CSV.