RakefetOnline-CRM is a CRM and ERP.
Rakefet as a CRM + ERP.
CRM is an acronym that stands for customer relationship management. Thus, CRM is any type of technology that allows you to better organize, manage and access your current and potential customer data.
While there are many types of CRMs, Rakefet's approach is unique for Jewish non-profits. Think of your traditional CRM functions and then apply them to your congregation community - be it your members, potential members, school, volunteers, event attendees and donors.
Then add the ERP, enterprise resource planning to manage your organization's finances, and now with Rakefet's CRM you have a complete Donor Management system.
When you combine RakefetOnline-CRM+ERP, you get RakefetOnline-CRM+ - an all-in-one application to manage your families to finances.
With RakefetOnline-CRM and RakefetOnline-CRM+, your congregation can be up and running quickly, reaching out to your community and making a difference in their lives with funds to spare.
Regardless of all these fancy vocabulary, Rakefet is and will always be as it has been for 30+ years. An affordable, easy to use, Database Management & Accounting System for any sized Jewish non-profit.
Our community is your community.
Rakefet Unlimited