Part I
1. Create a Givebutter account.
Create an account in Givebutter (you must completely set the account up before generating the API - this means link the bank with your Givebutter account and set up Stripe within Givebutter).
2. Click on Account --> Integrations.
In Givebutter, on the menu, click on Account and then Integrations.
3. Click on API.
Once you click on Integrations a page will open to the right with three options: Third Part, Elements and API.
4. Click on Expand.
Click on the Expand menu to see the API key.
5. Copy Givebutter API Key.
Click the copy icon to copy your Givebutter API key to enter into RakefetOnline (Givebutter API docs).
Part II
1. Log into RakefetOnline.
With an Admin RakefetOnline login a user can add the Givebutter API.
2. Click on Setup --> Givebutter.
In this page enter your Givebutter Key and click Refresh Campaigns.
3. Configure Campaigns.
Any Campaigns that you have created in Givebutter will come over. Once they are in RakefetOnline, you will need to configure the account to make it Active. When it is Active the payment data from Givebutter will come into RakefetOnline.
4. Make Campaigns Active.
To make a Campaign active, click on the blue arrow. Enter the Campaign payment type of either Donation or Payment. Select an account from the dropdown where funds should be allocated with. Next, select an account that the Service Fee should be allocated with. Then click the green Save button to make the Campaign live in RakefetOnline. All three of these must be completed before clicking the Save button (Campaign payment type, Campaign Account and Service Fee Account).