To make a payment on behalf of a member or donor, click on the tab Make Payments.

After the Family List loads, select the family you need.

Once you select the family, you will see what the family owes and other possible donation accounts that can be used.

Enter what they owe with memos in the blue boxes.

You can also enter additional donations with memos in the green boxes.

Enter the values needed and then fill-in their credit card or ACH information.

If you are using Convenience Fees, you will see a Subtotal + Fees and Total on the lower right of the payment screen.

If you are not using Convenience Fees, you will only see a Total.

When everything is ready to process, click the Pay button.

Payments will occur in real time and post to the Office Side Transaction History and the Member Side Transaction History.

Members will also receive an instant receipt by email, and you should receive an email from the payment processing company you are working with (PayPal or PayQuiq).  

You can also receive a copy of the processed receipt from Rakefet by adding your email to either CC or BCC in the Setup--> Payments option screen under Sending Receipts By Emails 

Please watch a brief video HERE about Office Side Payment Processing