When setting up your payment processing information in RakefetOnline, you must be logged in as an Administrator.
Go Setup--> Setup Payments.
If using PayQuiq, switch on Show Payments Using PayQuiq.
- Enter your PayQuiq Key assigned byPayQuiq support.
- Turn on the switch to select your credit card types.
- If using ACH, turn the ACH switch on.
If using PayPal, switch on Show Payments Using PayPal.
- Setup a Developer Account to create a Sandbox with PayPal as instructed HERE.
- Once you have created a Sandbox ID and Secret, in RakefetOnline enter this information in the fields under Sandbox labeled "Enter PayPal Sandbox ID" and "Enter PayPal Sandbox Secret".
- Enter your currency code as specified by PayPal.
- When you are ready to go live, in the PayPal Dashboard, switch your account to live.
- Then copy and paste the Live Production ID and Production Secret into the fields under Production labeled "Enter PayPal Production ID" and "Enter PayPal Production Secret". You will need BOTH Sandbox and Production fields filled in to process payments.