
Rakefet offers two types of label printing.

You can print general labels for your families and you can print Yahrzeit notice labels for your mourners.


To access the reporting labels for Families, go Reports --> Database --> Labels

Within this report you will have the option to be in a View of Member Families, Families with Accounts, All Families, Adults, Children and Adults & Children.  Within these Views you can Filter and query as needed (IE Birthdays, Outstanding Balances, etc), as well as selecting your label parameters.


To access the reporting labels for Families, go Reports --> Yahrzeit--> Yahrzeit Labels

Within this report you will have the option to be in a View of Member Families, Families with Accounts, and All Families.

You will also be able to filter for Yahrzeit dates, mourners with / without emails, select label styles and select specific mourners.

Envelopes (Coming Soon)